Gender Equality & Preventing Family Violence


Eastern Elder Abuse Network (EEAN) & Working Groups

The vision of the Eastern Elder Abuse Network (EEAN) is: A world where older people are safe, valued and respected. Where their contribution is celebrated.

EEAN was established in 2010 and has a membership of over 150 people. This includes representation from over 50 member organisations including:

  • Local Government
  • Community Health
  • Legal Services
  • Police
  • Aged Care
  • Hospital
  • Women’s Health
  • Primary Care Partnerships
  • State and Government Departments
  • Family Violence
  • Finance
  • Ethno-specific and Multicultural Agencies, and
  • other specialist services.

In 2019, three working groups were established as part of EEAN to strengthen the Network and provide a more strategic approach: Primary Prevention, Response, and World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Members of EEAN can participate in a working group most relevant to organisational priorities and key interests.

The working groups are:

  • Primary Prevention has a focus on stopping abuse before starts. It considers whole-of-population initiatives that address underlying causes or drivers of the abuse of older people, such as ageism. The ultimate goal is to shift social norms, attitudes, behaviours and negative social structures to create a “world where older people are safe, valued and respected. Where their contribution is celebrated.”
  • Response spans early intervention and response (secondary and tertiary prevention), specifically interventions where someone is at risk of or experiencing abuse. (e.g. appropriate information, referral, litigation, police, court). Working collaboratively, members of the WG consider current response pathways and processes, their effectiveness and challenges, and drive actions for optimum future responses.
  • World Elder Abuse Awareness Day focuses on secondary prevention (early intervention), taking action where there are early signs of abuse or increased risk. This WG is interested to promote regional approaches to raise awareness of elder abuse including World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on 15 June.

The EEAN meets biannually and the working groups meet as specified in their terms of reference.

Webpage: Eastern Elder Abuse Network

Contact: Jill Exon, Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator, Eastern Community Legal Centre,