Healthy Eating & Active Living


Health Promoting School - Holy Trinity Primary School

EACH Health Promotion Team has worked with Holy Trinity Primary School on becoming the first school within Knox to become a Health Promoting School for Healthy Eating and Oral Health as part of the Victorian Government's Achievement Program.

The EACH team worked intensely with Holy Trinity Primary School over three years to take a whole-of-school approach to promote consistent messages of healthy eating habits and engage students, teachers and parents to develop a shared responsibility for food in schools.

The school achieved 'Health Promoting School' status by implementing the following:

  • Identified a champion and gained leadership support to prioritise healthy eating and promote consistent messages for children and whole school community to make healthier choices.
  • Shared positive health messages around healthy eating regularly in their school newsletter.
  • Adapted their Healthy Eating and Oral Health policy to meet the standards set by The Achievement Program. This involved engaging the whole school community in a step-by-step process to remove cookies (high in sugar) from their subway canteen menu.
  • Worked closely with The EACH Health Promotion Team to make necessary changes to their canteen menu in order to meet The Healthy Eating Advisory Service guidelines for a healthy school canteen.
  • Displayed colourful and informative ‘Sugar’ and ‘Healthy Lunchbox’ posters that were created by the students and supported by the EACH Health Promotion Team.

Organisation: EACH

Contact: Catherine Delaney, Health Promotion Officer, EACH