Healthy Eating & Active Living


Munch Sip and Move program

The Munch Sip & Move program utilises a ‘whole school approach’ with the aim of encouraging children to eat healthier ‘awesome*’ foods at school, where a third of a child’s day is spent.

It encourages children to explore healthy foods in a positive environment, improving food literacy and de-normalising lunchbox items that are typically highly processed, packaged foods and drinks that are high in sugar, salt and unhealthy fats. The program complements healthy eating with a physical activity component which encourages planned and incidental physical activity, to embed a holistic culture towards health.

Program Language: *Awesome food – foods that help us concentrate, sleep, grow and perform to our best ability!

Munch Sip & Move was developed by Inspiro to help counter the rates of dietary related preventable disease such as Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes, which are occurring earlier in the lifespan. Its overarching ethos is to instill positive behaviour traits in young people by creating supportive environments for health.

There are 3 key program messages:

  1. Munch more fruit and veg to feel your best.
  2. Sip water all day to keep sweet drinks at bay.
  3. Move at least 60mins per day in any way.

The Munch, Sip & Move program was adapted from the Crunch and Munch an Awesome Lunch program following the 2016 pilot to help address local targets, derived from local statistics and health and wellbeing catchment planning in Yarra Valley.

Organisation: Inspiro