Mental Health


Inclusive Language Resources

The Department of Education and Training, in partnership with Access Health & Community and Link Community Health, are excited to launch the Inclusive Language Resources.

The words and language we use carry important messages about:

  • gender
  • sexuality and
  • respectful relationships.

Inclusive language avoids the use of certain expressions or words that might exclude particular groups of people or reinforce harmful stereotypes. By using inclusive language, we demonstrate respect for a diversity of bodies, genders and relationships and allow young people to be who they are.

These resources were developed for educators and teachers working across pre-school, kindergarten, and primary schools and provide information around the evolving space of inclusive language, particularly around the topics of gender and sexuality.

These resources can be printed and put up in school offices or staff rooms.

We encourage you to have an open conversation with students, parents and caregivers, to explore what language is appropriate for them. Using inclusive language allows students to feel supported, seen and valued as unique individuals. Not only does this improve equity in the classroom, but student outcomes and wellbeing too.

Resource: Inclusive Language Tipsheet

Resource: Inclusive Language Key Definitions

Website: Level Playground

For further information regarding LGBTIQ+ and gender inclusive language click on the following links:


Level Playground

Rainbow Families


Safe Schools - Victorian Government


LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Language Guide - Victorian Government


Girl toys vs boy toys: The experiment - BBC Stories - YouTube

Checklist tool:

Am I Promoting Gender Equality in my Practice?