Mental Health


Supporting Fathers and Respectful Relationships Forum and Workshop

The supporting fathers and respectful relationships forum and workshop were a series of online events hosted during the 16 days of activism 2020. The events were aimed for professionals and practitioners who work with families, to improve their engagement with fathers and male caregivers and promote positive respectful relationships.

The forum included presentations from three expert guest speakers from Queensland University of Technology and Deakin University, followed by a Q&A panel session. The workshop began by showcasing four local, exciting case studies of positive work being undertaken across the Eastern Region that engaged and supported fathers. This was followed by a workshop activity which helped attendees reflect on how they could better support and engage with fathers and male caregivers in their respective communities.


  • Over 90 practitioners and professionals participated in the forum and workshop.
  • 100% of attendees noted that they learnt something new about supporting fathers and promoting respectful relationships.
  • 100% of attendees noted that the content presented increased their awareness of the importance of supporting fathers and promoting respectful relationships.

Infographic: Supporting Fathers and Respectful Relationships Forum and Workshop

Contact: Eastern Health - Health Promotion