Regional Integrated Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs and Suicide Prevention Plan
The Regional Integrated Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs and Suicide Prevention Plan for eastern and north-eastern Melbourne (the Plan) 2019-2024 has been developed by Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN), in conjunction with local health networks (LHNs), consumers and carers, key service providers, clinicians and peak bodies.
The development of the Plan was overseen by the Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Care Collaborative (EMPHCC) on behalf of the entire EMPHN region. In development since late 2018, The Plan was informed by feedback from people representing more than 100 organisations who were consulted including contributions from people with lived experience.
The Plan was launched in March 2020, and resources include:
- The Plan in full
- The Plan in 'easy read' highlighting key areas of focus
- Draft Plan, Discussion Paper and Progress Paper 2019.
Resource: Regional Integrated Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs and Suicide Prevention Plan