NEPHU Health Promotion and Prevention Grant Recipients
As part of its inaugural Population Health Catchment Plan, the North Eastern Public Health Unit (NEPHU) committed $150,000 to fund health promotion and prevention initiatives that work towards positive outcomes in two collectively identified priority areas:
- Increasing healthy eating
- Improving sexual and reproductive health
We invited stakeholders across our catchment to apply for small and large grants (up to $5,000 and $15,000 respectively) that support place-based primary and secondary prevention approaches to reducing preventable chronic disease and/or impact upon associated modifiable risk factors in populations within the NEPHU catchment.
In the Increasing Healthy Eating stream, we sought applications to support health promotion and prevention initiatives that seek to increase healthy eating and strengthen food systems across the NEPHU catchment, with the following specific areas of focus:
- Food awareness and behaviour (individual level)
- Access (including local settings)
- Food systems (including climate change).
In the Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health stream, we sought applications to support health promotion and prevention initiatives that enhance accessibility of sexual and reproductive health information and services, with a focus on:
- Sexual and reproductive health awareness and behaviour (individual level)
- Sexual and reproductive health service system and access (including testing and treatment).
In total, thirty-four applications were received from across our catchment, with sixteen organisations successful in securing funding. From Neighbourhood Houses, to community health, to local government – these recipients represent a real diversity of organisations from across the NEPHU catchment, as well as a range of exciting and innovative initiatives and approaches. We look forward to following their work over the coming months and reporting on both progress and impact.
Please see following a list of the successful grant recipients for 2022-2023.
Small grants recipients
Organisation | Project |
Nillumbik Shire Council | A community vegetable garden at the Research Maternal Child Health Centre |
Living and Learning Nillumbik | Panton Hill Community Garden expansion |
Selby Community House | Healthy Food Habits for Kids with Food Barriers |
Inspiro Health | I am local |
Knox City Council | Healthy eating in extreme weather |
Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning | Healthy soup |
Mountain District Learning Centre | Community housing food sessions |
Large grants recipients
Organisation | Project |
DPV | Eat Well Feel Super – a healthy canteen pilot program |
Your Community Health | Nourishing Environments for Rehabilitation (NE4R) |
Hume City Council | What are HCC Local Food Sources and Systems Forum |
Small grants recipients
Organisation | Project |
Cohealth Collingwood | Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness and Education for communities from FGC (Female Genital Cutting)-traditionally practiced countries |
Boroondara City Council | Boroondara Menopause Series |
Large grants recipients
Organisation | Project |
Women's Health East | Sexual and Reproductive Health Capacity Building Workshops |
Women's Health in the North | Supporting trans and gender diverse people to access safe and affirming sexual and reproductive healthcare |
Cohealth Footscray | Promoting Sexual and reproductive health for women |
EACH Ringwood | Increase Cervical Screening in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people |