Climate Change & Health


Green Shoots Program

The Green Shoots Program from the City of Monash helps residents to connect with nature, improve and increase awareness of biodiversity corridors and appreciate the value of trees.

The program has been developed in response to a high level of interest from residents keen to help protect, improve and experience the local natural environment.

It connects all generations and cultural and social groups in Monash to the local natural environment, encouraging residents to take a positive, collective responsibility towards stewardship of these important spaces.

Green Shoots brings together its work with schools, community and early learning under the following projects:

  • Gardens for Wildlife program involves participants attending workshops, receiving free indigenous seedlings and becoming part of a network of people providing homes to local native wildlife in their own gardens.
  • Skink Link program enables the community to help build skink habitats and contribute through planting, picking up litter and helping to manage weeds.
  • Work with Monash Friends Groups.

Green Shoots has also installed two new bush kinder spaces in two sporting reserves, and expanded the Gardens for Wildlife program to include volunteer garden mentors to support residents and schools to create their indigenous gardens.

Website: Green Shoots Program

Resources: Living Sustainably in Monash