Healthy Ageing


Eastern Sector Development Team (ESDT)

The Eastern Sector Development Team (ESDT) provides support across the Eastern Metropolitan Region to service providers funded through CHSP and HACC PYP.

The ESDT’s focus is to support service providers to implement diversity, wellness and reablement, strengthen working relationships between local HACC PYP & CHSP agencies, and build the capacity of local agencies to embed key elements of quality service delivery.

Key activities of the ESDT include:

  • facilitating a bi-monthly alliance that builds service providers capacity and knowledge of diversity, wellness and reablement approaches,
  • supporting the development and implementation of quality planning initiatives covering diversity, wellness and reablement,
  • providing support and access to the latest information relating to aged care reforms and program delivery,
  • working with service providers to introduce new or different ways of planning, delivering or evaluating services that incorporate inclusive person centred practice through one on one support, or the provision of workshops and forums,
  • identifying and sharing good practice that demonstrates how diversity and wellness approaches can improve the clients experience of community aged care,
  • helping service providers to plan for, implement and evaluate diversity and wellness priorities,
  • facilitating opportunities for alliance members to connect and share program initiatives.

Website: Eastern Sector Development Team

Youtube channel: Eastern Sector Development Team