Healthy Ageing


Eastern Metropolitan Palliative Care Consortium (Emrpcc)

The Eastern Metropolitan Palliative Care Consortium (Emrpcc) is one of eight regional palliative care consortia funded by the Victorian Department of Health.

Established in 2004 and governed by a Consortium Management Group, Emrpcc are an alliance of hospital based and community palliative care providers in the Eastern Metropolitan Region. Eastern Health, Eastern Palliative Care and St. Vincent’s work together with NEMICS, EMPHN, Bolton Clarke, Department of Health and community and private organisations.

Palliative Care in the Eastern metro region of Melbourne is provided where people need it. For some people that is at home (private or residential), for others it is in hospital. Many health workers provide care using a palliative approach. Specialist teams provide professional advice and support to health workers and for families in caring for their loved ones.

What Emrpcc does:

  • Work together to implement the standards of care outlined in the Victorian Government’s end of life and palliative care framework.
  • Meet regularly to plan and review how services can meet the collective goal of providing the highest standard of palliative care to the local community.
  • Engage in research to keep learning and developing best practice.
  • Listen to community members and leaders to learn how our care and services can maintain excellent cultural safety, respect for cultural traditions and social diversity.
  • Provide information to community and health professionals on palliative care and how to access services.

Members of Emrpcc recognise their services are provided on the Traditional Lands of the Wurundjeri people with their logo reflecting this.

Website: Eastern Metropolitan Palliative Care Consortium


Phone: 0413 264 214