Healthy Ageing


Physical Activities for the Over Sixties Forum

Research indicates that older people are not meeting the recommended physical activity guidelines (VAAP Physical Activity Audit and Gap Analysis 2017) and face health issues due to inactivity (Australian Health Survey 2012).

For adults aged 65 years and over, guidelines recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days. Strength and balance activity is also recommended. There are lower levels of participation for some under-represented groups such as CALD, low income/disadvantaged, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, people with a disability, and people with poor health (Active Victoria 2018).

The WHO Global Action Plan on physical activity 2018-30 provides a global context and recommends creating active societies, environments, people and systems to support increased physical activity participation.

In July 2019, the Inner East Primary Care Partnership worked in partnership with the EMR councils to deliver the forum "Physical activities for the over sixties".

The forum aimed to:

  • Increase physical activity providers’ knowledge about why physical activity is important for people over 60 years of age;
  • What their physical activity needs are, and
  • Ways to increase physical activity opportunities for people over 60 years, particularly those who are disadvantaged and less likely to participate.

Presenters were from the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, Ausdance Victoria, Musculoskeletal Australia, YMCA, Sport and Recreation Victoria, National Ageing Research Institute, Whittlesea U3A, and Yarrunga Community Centre.

Presentations and resources: Physical Activities for the over Sixties Forum

Resources: Physical Activities for the Over Sixties